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8086 microprocessor simulator

Other 8086 microprocessor simulator

Assembly Language is EASY! Emu8086 is a Microprocessor Emulator with integrated 8086 Assembler and Free Tutorial. Emulator runs programs on a Virtual Microprocessor, it emulates real hardware, such as screen, memory and input/output devices. Emu8086 is extremely helpful for programming in assembly language. The source code is compiled by assembler and then executed on Emulator step-by-step, allowing you to watch registers, flags and memory while your program runs. Complete 'all in one' solution for coding in Assembly Language. Everything for learning assembly language in one pack! Emu8086 combines an advanced source editor, assembler, disassembler, software emulator with debugger, and step by step tutorials. This program is extremely helpful for those who just begin to study assembly language. It compiles the source code and executes it on emulator step by step. Visual interface is very easy to work with. You can watch registers, flags and memory while your program executes. Arithmetic & Logical Unit shows the internal work of the central processor unit. Emulator runs programs on a Virtual PC, this completely blocks your program from accessing real hardware, such as hard-drives and memory, since your assembly code runs on a virtual machine, this makes debugging much easier.


The BlueJ environment was developed as part of a university research project about teaching object-orientation to beginners. The system is being developed and maintained by a joint research group at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. The project is supported by Sun Microsystems.

The aim of BlueJ is to provide an easy-to-use teaching environment for the Java language that facilitates the teaching of Java to first year students. Special emphasis has been placed on visualisation and interaction techniques to create a highly interactive environment that encourages experimentation and exploration.

BlueJ is based on the Blue system. Blue is an integrated teaching environment and language, developed at the University of Sydney and Monash University, Australia. BlueJ provides a Blue-like environment for the Java language.

The BlueJ project started at Monash University in Melbourne, and later split and migrated to its current locations.

BlueJ is implemented in Java, and regularly being tested on Solaris, Linux, Macintosh, and various Windows versions. It should run on all platforms supporting a recent Java virtual machine.

Where is BlueJ going?

The environment itself is stable and in widespread use. Maintenance work is continuing to improve the system and add some new functionality. Ideas on our to-do list include group work support and scripting.

Other related downloads:

BlueJ: Installation instructions

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